
Hey! I'm Serge

I'm a software engineer, freelancer, digital nomad, blogger, investment enthusiast, and even a rollerblader.

What am I doing?

I work remotely making iOS applications mainly on a freelance basis. Sometimes contribute to open source a bit.

Where am I?

I currently live in Lisbon, Portugal. Just in the middle of re-establishing my new home base here. I’m originally from Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

What is Kazai Storyboard

It's a perfect blend of a blog with short/long form posts, digital garden and a personal journal. All rolled into one.

Feel free to find out more about these notes.

Get in touch

I’m always happy to meet interesting people for coffee or an evening walk.

Just try to reach out to me somewhere.

Find me on twitter(ru), twitter(en), facebook, and instagram.

I use @kazai_mazai nickname almost everywhere, so if you come across "kazai_mazai" or "KazaiMazai" or "kazaimazai" just say "hi" because there is a high chance that it's me.

Important to note: if it's just a "kazai" then it's probably not me.