Last updated 1 min read

My Zettelkasten Flow

Related: Zettelkasten

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This is an illustration of the most common lifecycle of different kinds of notes in my zettelkasten.

I've got a single inbox for both reading list links and capture notes. Then I eventually process them either one way or another.

Reading list inbox notes are processed in the following way:

  1. Notes from the reading list inbox eventually become a reference or a maybe note.
  2. There is a chance that I will get around it and If I do, the note will obtain some highlights from the source and will turn into a highlights note.
  3. The final step is distillation. A summary of the processed information written in my own words.

Capture inbox notes has a shorter lifecycle. They are either thrown away or turned into Evergreen notes. Daily notes may sometimes serve as a seed for evergreen notes. In that case, I would typically keep the daily note with a link to the newly created evergreen note.

Following this strict tagging structure allows me to keep my own notes separate from everything extrinsic. There are reasons for doing that, including my own forgetfulness: I don't remember where the note came from after a few years. Whether it was my own idea or I read it somewhere. Tagging helps.

Read more: my zettelkasten note types.