Last updated 2 min read

Opaque vs Existential vs Concrete Type Hidden Ambiguity in Swift

Related: Swift, iOS App Development, Software Engineering

Came across an interesting behavior in Swift which I found not only curious but also not obvious and VERY error-prone.

This is related to how Swift would prioritise implementation when dispatching function calls.

Tested on Xcode 15.3 Swift 5.10

Some vs Any

  • some indicates an opaque type which known to the compiler at compile time. Type that conforms to a protocol
  • any indicates an existential type – a box whose contained value has a type which is not known to the compiler at compile time. The contained value type conforms to a protocol

Example 1. Some vs Any

Here is a simple example:

func foo(_ param: any Equatable) {
	print("I'm any equatable")

func foo(_ param: some Equatable) {
    print("I'm some equatable")

if we call


The result would be

I'm any equatable

Example 2. Generic Type vs Any

The implementation with some keyword is identical to an old school style generic implementation:

func foo<T: Equatable>(_ param: T) {
    print("I'm generic<T> equatable")

func foo(_ param: any Equatable) {
	print("I'm any equatable")

If we run it again, we will see the same result – Swift will ignore the implementation with the compile-time type check:


The result would be:

I'm any equatable

Example 3. Some vs Any vs Concrete Type

However, things would be different If we provide a concrete type implementation:

func foo(_ param: any Equatable) {
    print("I'm any equatable")

func foo(_ param: some Equatable) {
    print("I'm some equatable")

func foo(_ param: Bool) {
    print("I'm bool")



The result would be :

I'm bool

What's Bad in This Design

First of all, it's easy to confuse. The mnemonic rule could be to think of a foo(:Bool) as if it is overriding foo(:Equatable) because Bool conforms to Equatable.

I would love to hear your ideas on some vs any mnemonic rules here.

Secondly, it's controversial.

  • In the case of some vs any protocols, the compiler disregards the implementation with the type known at compile time and picks the implementation with a runtime check.
  • In the case of a concrete type it prefers the implementation with a type, known at compile time.

Thirdly, it's error-prone. The compiler doesn't even produce any warnings for clearly ambiguous some vs any implementations. It's fairly easy to accidentally override something in an extension without even knowing about it.