2 min read

Open Source Chakra Summer Re-Openning

Open Source Chakra Summer Re-Openning
Photo by Richy Great / Unsplash

Related: Software Engineering, iOS App Development

In recent months I revisited my GitHub account and had a lot of fun.

Vapor RestKit

I've updated VeporRestKit for Swift-Concurrency compatibility and released an update. The API has never been so smooth.

I think if I get a chance to use it this year more actively it will get a few more updates.


I've made a significant refactoring of the internals that greatly improved Puredux performance and extendibility for future features.

The main thing that I'm planning is a redesign of the current architecture to a multiple-store tree of larger depths.

I also plan to update of side effects and syntax sugar for UIKit and SwiftUI.

Finally, there will be a redesign of internals to Swift-Concurrency and Actors, but it will likely involve breaking changes that I don't want to face at the moment.

Swiftlet Model

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 21.17.20.png

I've started a new project and called it SwiftletModel.

It will be an in-memory value-typed lightweight alternative to SwiftData with persistence capabilities.

It will perfectly fit the case when the app data model is rather complicated but the app is still a thin client and you have reasons to avoid CoreData/SwiftData/Realm.

I just imagined what could be the perfect CoreData and decided to implement it.

It's still in the early development stage, but


It's gonna be very sexy.

Here is how models will be defined:

struct Chat: EntityModel, Codable {
    let id: String
    @HasMany(\.users, inverse: \.chats)
    var users: [User]?
    @HasMany(\.messages, inverse: \.chat)
    var messages: [Message]?
    @HasMany(\.admins, inverse: \.adminOf)
    var admins: [User]?
    mutating func normalize() {
    func save(to context: inout Context) throws {
        try save(\.$users, inverse: \.$chats, to: &context)
        try save(\.$messages, inverse: \.$chat, to: &context)
        try save(\.$admins, inverse: \.$adminOf, to: &context)
    func delete(from context: inout Context) throws {
        try delete(\.$messages, inverse: \.$chat, from: &context)
        context.remove(Chat.self, id: id)
        detach(\.$users, inverse: \.$chats, in: &context)
        detach(\.$admins, inverse: \.$adminOf, in: &context)

And this is how models will be queried:

let user = User
	.query("1", in: context)
	.with(\.$chats) {
		$0.with(\.$messages) {

Planned Features

Currently I plan these features for the initial release:

  • Strongly typed Relations with compile-time checks
  • Handy model manipulation for data normalization and denormalization
  • Incomplete data handling
  • Fully Codable out-of-the-box
  • Persistence to file in JSON format

The prorope is almost done. Now it requires outlining public API, cleaning up, adding unit tests, fixing bugs, writing docs, etc.

A huge pile of work, lol. Anyway, I'm already happy about it and now I just need some motivation to push it to the first release.