Software Development

Puredux 1.1 - Release Notes
Open Source
4 min read

Puredux 1.1 - Release Notes

Puredux v1.1 is finally out. Puredux is a UDF architecture framework in Swift for app state management with Redux/Flux ideas in mind.
Vapor RestKit 2.1 - Backward Cursor Pagination
2 min read

Vapor RestKit 2.1 - Backward Cursor Pagination

One small step for Vapor RestKit - one giant leap for mankind. Bi-directional cursor pagination is now available in Vapor RestKit
I’ve Made a Redux Architecture Library for iOS and Called It Puredux
Open Source
4 min read

I’ve Made a Redux Architecture Library for iOS and Called It Puredux

Not long ago, I started to roll out Puredux v1.0. Puredux is a UDF architecture framework in Swift for app state management with Redux ideas in mind. Store, Reducers, Actions dispatching, and unidirectional data flow.
How to Make REST API on Swift Even Better. Vapor RestKit  2.0 is Out
Open Source
2 min read

How to Make REST API on Swift Even Better. Vapor RestKit 2.0 is Out

A BIG update for Vapor RestKit - fast pace RestFul API framework for Vapor. Build CRUDs with Sort, Filter, and Cursor pagination cleaner than ever.
How to Make REST API on Swift Even Better. I'm Working On Vapor RestKit  2.0
Open Source
1 min read

How to Make REST API on Swift Even Better. I'm Working On Vapor RestKit 2.0

I've started to work on a big update for Vapor RestKit. I've been using it for a while and noticed several shortcomings that were not noticeable at the stage of the initial design, both related to its internals and API.