
Vapor RestKit 2.1 - Backward Cursor Pagination
2 min read

Vapor RestKit 2.1 - Backward Cursor Pagination

One small step for Vapor RestKit - one giant leap for mankind. Bi-directional cursor pagination is now available in Vapor RestKit
How to Make REST API on Swift Even Better. Vapor RestKit  2.0 is Out
Open Source
2 min read

How to Make REST API on Swift Even Better. Vapor RestKit 2.0 is Out

A BIG update for Vapor RestKit - fast pace RestFul API framework for Vapor. Build CRUDs with Sort, Filter, and Cursor pagination cleaner than ever.
How To: REST API in Swift with Vapor RestKit — CRUDs
Open Source
3 min read

How To: REST API in Swift with Vapor RestKit — CRUDs

Writing CRUD Rest APIs is something that gets me bored VERY fast. Here comes RestKit with a vaccine from CRUDs boredom
How To: REST API in Swift with Vapor RestKit — ORM Extensions
Open Source
2 min read

How To: REST API in Swift with Vapor RestKit — ORM Extensions

One of the things I worked on some time ago was Vapor Rest Kit It started as a set of utils I implemented to speed up the development of my side project. Gradually my Vapor utils grew rather large and decided to move it to a separate package and publish.
Should Mobile Developers Learn Backend?
4 min read

Should Mobile Developers Learn Backend?

Lack of backend may be a strong barrier for mobile developers on their way to building a mobile app. Here is a list of mBaaS that may help.