Last updated 1 min read

Why Tasks Are Not the Right Input for Zettelkasten

#Zettelkasten, #Obsidian, #Productivity

Tasks are probably not the most suitable input for the zettelkasten. They simply don't fit well in the concept of zettelkasten evergreen notes:

  • Zettelkasten note is a concept-orientated unit of knowledge, thought or idea
  • In a broad sense, a task is an atomic improvement of some sort of a project.
  • A zettelkasten note is intended to be linked with other notes, remixed, and reused in different contexts.
  • The task's context is usually limited to the super-task and the project it contributes to.
  • Zettelkasten's notes are intended to be valuable over time: they can be endlessly revisited and improved.
  • The value of a task is limited, as its lifetime. It becomes outdated and can be deleted as soon as it is done
  • Tasks typically have status, priority, deadlines, etc.
  • Zettelkasten notes don't have status, priority, or deadlines like tasks typically do. They are just different entities
  • A set of zettelkasten notes form a graph.
  • A set of tasks and subtasks under a single project form a tree.
