The Story of My Emergency Relocation — Istanbul (Part 4)
Why Relocation Is So Damn Hard
Relocation to another country can be extremely stressful and trigger various health problems. This post can help you better understand the reasons in order to get through it more easily.
The Story of My Emergency Relocation — Shortlist & Final Destination (Part 6)
The world is huge with a lot of places I would like to visit but when it comes to a decision about where to live, it suddenly shrinks
The Story of My Emergency Relocation — Destination Country Criteria (Part 5)
In my bookmarks, I had a very long list of countries from all over the world providing all kinds of Digital Nomad Visas. I'd been thinking that I would take my laptop and luggage, pick some country, and would go.
Not so fast.
Rethinking Quality of Life. How Portugal Changed My Perspective
In the quality of life equation I didn't count anything I couldn't change. Probably, I was wrong.