What's New in Swift 5.7 - WWDC2022
Command Plugins for SPM, Threadsafe Concurrency with Actors model, and brand new distributed Actors. Swift Regex framework. Massive update of Swift Generic Protocols.
Here is a detailed summary of the "What's New in Swift" session from WWDC2022.
What's new in SwiftUI – WWDC2022
Charts framework, brand new and fixed NavigationStack. Multi-window and menu bar extras for MacOS SwfitUI apps. New Layout protocol and many other things.
Here is a detailed summary of the "What's new in SwiftUI" session from WWDC2022.
What's new in UIKit – WWDC2022
New Navigation Bar features, new UICalendarView, and UIPageControl. Pasteboard access permissions. UISheetpresentationController improvements. SFSymbols rendering modes. Self-resizing cells. UIHostingConfiguration to embed SwiftUI into UICollectionView and UITableView.
Here is a detailed summary.
Use SwiftUI With UIKit – WWDC2022
How to bridge data between the legacy app and SwiftUI back and forth. How to embed SwiftUI into UICollectionView and UITableView with UIHostingConfiguration.
Here is the summary for the "Use SwiftUI With UIKit" session from WWDC22.
My Things App Workspace
I've tested probably a dozen of "to-do list" apps and finally moved to Things.
Here is my current Things App workspace.