I've Made an App For a Client. Now Its Market Cap is $150 Million
If somebody tells you that freelance is boring, you should send them a link to this story.
The Strategic Importance of Client Turnover: Rethinking Retention
Retaining customers is crucial for a successful business. At the same time, it becomes a problem when dealing with limited time resources. Here is how I deal with it.
I'm Coming Back to Freelance From Early Retirement
In December 2020 I firmly decided to start the come back process from my early retirement.
Mainly for the reasons I've described in the early retirement beta test post. Anyway, retirement has never been planned to be endless.
Freelance Tales: Navigating Upwork's Marketplace
Is Upwork legit? The story how I started at Upwork and became Top Rated. A few tips on how to land highly paid jobs at Upwork, and, finally, the main question: "How much do freelancers make?"
Navigating the Crossroads: From Freelancing to the Next Chapter
I often ask myself: "what could be the next step after freelancing?". Should I step back to a full-time job, or scale up freelance to an agency?